Ayesha Tabassum
6 min readSep 7, 2020

Imagine what it would be like if you have flawless skin without any pimple, blackheads, whiteheads, or other types of acne. Wouldn’t it be great?

Acne doesn’t only make you look unattractive but also develop depression, low self-esteem, and poor self-image. This is how bad acne is and that is why it is necessary to treat it as early as possible.

In this article, we’ll learn about the best home remedies which will definitely make your skin acne-free, but it is important to be patient about your acne treatment.

Let’s get started with a little introduction and types of acne.


The pores (tiny holes) on your skin which are usually blocked by bacteria, oil, dirt, etc, and as a result of it a pimple may develop on your skin, then you may have acne.

Acne can occur at any age but mostly it occurs during puberty, and develop blackheads, whiteheads, cyst, pustules, papules, and nodules, which all are types of acne.

Most commonly, acne develops on the face, neck, and chest.

Types Of Acne:

Blackheads- Blackheads are the most common type of acne. They are small bumps on your skin and known as blackheads due to its dark color.

Whiteheads- Whiteheads occur when bacteria or dirt trapped within your pores. It is called whitehead because it remains white or sometimes yellowish.

Cyst- Cyst is much like a blister, usually filled with a liquid. Causes of the cyst can be genetic or any infection.

Pustules- Small bumps on the skin that contain pus are known as pustules. They are alike pimple but usually big in size.

Papules- A small visible red bump on the skin is known as papule. Contrarily to pustules, papules do not have a puss. Most of the time, papules become pustules after few days.

Nodules- Nodular acne is a severe type of acne and it is also painful. This form of acne doesn’t have a head, unlike pimples.

Causes Of Acne:

The main cause of acne is the pores that become plugged with oil, dead skin cells, and dirt. Some other causes are:

Hormones- Hormonal fluctuation also plays a role in acne, particularly in women due to pregnancy and menstrual cycle. It is also very common among teenagers, who are going through the hormonal changes of puberty.

Genetic- Family history plays an important role in your acne. If your parents had acne, in their adulthood than your risk of having acne becomes higher.

Medications- Certain medications, such as birth control pills and steroid medicines also cause acne.

Stress- Stress is not the actual cause of acne, but if you already have it, then stress is likely to make your acne worse.

Age- Though people can get acne at any age, teenage is the most common cause of acne.

Best Home Remedies For Acne/Pimples:

If you have cyst or nodules — professional treatments become necessary but having a mild or stage 1 acne can easily be treated at home.

Below are the 10 best home remedies for treating acne:

Aloe Vera:

The gel extracted from aloe vera is widely used in lotions, creams, and soaps. It helps in healing wounds, preventing infection, treating burns, and reducing scarring.

Scrap the fresh aloe vera gel from the plant or you can buy it from any store, make sure that it must be pure — and apply it to your skin, twice a day, or as required.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is naturally antibacterial and is famous for anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce bacteria and redness of pimples.

Mix 1 part of tea tree oil with 9 parts of water and dab cotton into this mixture and apply it to your skin. You can do this 1–2 times a day. Do not leave it for more than 20 minutes on your skin, as it may irritate or dry out.


Honey also has antibacterial properties that help in reducing acne and healing of burns. It has been used for treating acne, for thousands of years. Doctors also used it in wound dressings due to its wound healing and antibacterial characteristics.

Rinse your face with warm water and apply honey for 20–30 minutes, using fingers or cotton pad. You can also add it to any other product such as turmeric, yogurt, or oatmeal.

Rinse it completely with warm water and pat your face dry.

Green Tea:

Green tea is high in antioxidants that can be beneficial for the skin in many ways. Such as soothing irritated skin, reducing inflammation, and oil production, which is the main cause of acne.

Make a pot of green tea and apply it to your skin with a cotton pad once it is cooled.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is well-known for its capability of fighting with germs and help in exfoliating skin. Most importantly, it fights with the excess oil on the skin which is the main cause of acne.

Mix 1 part of apple cider vinegar and 3 parts of water. After cleansing, apply it to your skin using a cotton ball. Rinse it with water after 5–20 seconds and pat dry.

Remember to use a small amount of ACV and not to overdo this at home, as it may irritate.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil also contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, like other natural remedies. Therefore, it can reduce redness and swelling of acne or pimples.

Warm coconut oil and apply to the skin directly and leave it overnight.


Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It does not only kills the bacteria which causes acne but also helps in blood circulation.

You can simply use garlic by adding it to your diet or can also apply it to the affected area. If you have sensitive skin, use it with water.


Vaseline is definitely a great addition to your skincare regime. It helps in removing impurities from your skin.

If you are dealing with acne and dry skin, Vaseline is one of the best remedies to your problem. Those who have acne and oily skin can also be benefited from it as it prevents external bacteria from coming into contact.

You can use Vaseline after cleansing or shower, as applying it to slightly damp skin is the best way to use it. Remember to do a patch test on your skin to make sure that it won’t cause any adverse effects on your skin.


Cucumber has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. It does not only reduce the swelling or redness of pimples but also nourish your skin and alleviate sunburn.

You can add cucumber in your diet and can also apply it directly to your skin. It will be more beneficial if you mix cucumber with other acne-fighting ingredients such as aloe vera, yogurt, rose water, and lemon.

Important Points:

Do not pop the pimples- Popping out pimples will push the infection further down, which will cause swelling or redness.

Use gentle products- Use those makeup products which are oil-free and do not forget to remove your makeup before bed.

Quality sleep- Lack of sleep can worsen your acne. 7–9 hours of quality sleep is not only important for our body functions but also for skin health.

Keep hair clean- Avoid greasy hair products and make sure to wash your hair properly. If you have oily hair, shampoo them daily.

Reduce stress- Stress is not the actual reason for pimples but it may worsen them. You can manage stress by doing:

· 30 minutes exercise

· Yoga

· Mediation

· Massage

Refrain from touching face- Do not touch your face more often as your hands contain bacteria constantly throughout the day. Try to touch it as lower as possible and wash your hands regularly.

You can use any of the above remedies to treat acne but do remember that improvements take time. You have to be a little patient about it. Any of the methods above may take 2 to 3 months to show the desired results. It is important to give enough time to whatever remedy you are using before moving up to another. Overall, be patient!

So, I’m ready to give a try to a remedy which will suit me the best. Are you…?



Ayesha Tabassum

I Talk About Small Things That Matter, With A Hope To Make A Difference !!